BC Cancer Research Center

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

375,000 ft² | 34,840 m² 


This project involved relocating 60 Principal Investigators, their laboratories, staff and research from an adjacent building into the new BC Cancer Research Agency.  Our scope of work provided move planning, sequencing of all relocations, transferable equipment verifications, relocations and installations.


The Hospital for Sick Children

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

75,000 ft² | 6,965 m² 


HCR transferred researchers from Sick Kids to the new Toronto Medical Discovery Tower.  Principal Investigators including all their staff, offices, labs and research were relocated into the new detached tower one block away.  HCR provided all the advance planning, scheduling, sequencing including the physical transfer of…

The Bellevue Hospital

Bellevue, Ohio, USA

130,000 ft² | 12,075 m²


HCR planned and sequenced in advance of the relocation from the existing site into the new replacement facility.  Prior to performing the relocations, HCR verified all the transferable equipment and performed the installations.  Our planning witnessed the successful transfer of the small patient population of 30…

Brant Community Health System

Brantford, Ontario, Canada

200,000 ft² | 18,580 m² 


Our work entailed all relocation planning, including scheduling and sequencing of the moves from some existing internal departments, as well as a variety of offsite locations into the addition and renovated existing facility.  Our involvement also encompassed the planning and physical relocation of Inpatient units from…

Providence Health Care

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

250,000 ft² | 23,225 m²


Project Managers from HCR worked with Providence Health to achieve the closure of one facility by relocating staff, equipment and patients to six other facilities within their health network.  They planned and coordinated both the transferable and the transfer of 187 patients.

HCR assisted in…

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

750,000 ft² | 69,675 m² 


This relocation involved the planning, sequencing and physical relocation of two existing hospitals, Port Arthur General Hospital and McKellar General Hospital, into the new 750,000 square foot facility.  This was accomplished through advance planning meetings, detailed scheduling, patient relocation consulting and determining optimal move routes.…

South Jersey Health System – Bridgeton Hospital & Newcomb Hospital

Vineland and Bridgeton, New Jersey, United States

400,000 ft² | 37,160 m² 


HCR moved selected departments from two existing hospitals, Bridgeton Hospital and Newcomb Hospital, located approximately 20 minutes away from the new 400,000 square foot facility.  Our onsite planning and scheduling provided the necessary detail to complete the physical relocations.


Prince County Hospital

Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada

180,000 ft² | 16,720 m²


Prince Country Hospital engaged HCR to provide the planning, sequencing and physical relocations of the entire hospital as well as three out buildings. The patient transfer relocated 44 patients 10 miles to the new facility.  At the conclusion of the relocation, we provided asset…