Toronto, Ontario, Canada


The Temerty Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto is at the center of one of North America’s largest biomedical research, education and clinical care networks. With nine fully affiliated research-intensive hospitals and dozens of community and clinical care sites, the Temerty Faculty of Medicine offers unparalleled opportunities in Canada’s most dynamic city.

HCR was selected to provide asset transfer planning and physical relocation services for the internal transfer of Michael Norris’ Lab #1563, which investigates the structure and molecular assembly of deadly RNA viruses, and Lori Frappier’s Lab #1663, which investigates the Epstein-Barr virus. These two labs were transferred between the 15th & 16th floors of MaRS Building at 661 University Avenue in downtown Toronto, with the relocation spread across three separate move phases, to allow for renovations to take place in-between.

HCR staff carefully planned and performed the delicate packing and relocation of both labs and their associated sensitive lab equipment, furniture, staff contents and other materials that were moved. The first phase involved the relocation of Michael Norris’ Lab from the 15th floor to the 16th floor, which was completed in mid-May of 2024. This was followed by the relocation of Lori Frappier’s Lab from the 16th to the 15th floor in early- June of 2024. This phase also involved the removal and disposal of select pieces of redundant lab equipment. HCR returned later that month and completed the third and final phase of the move, which involved a single day move of all remaining lab benches, equipment and other items.


University of Toronto – Temerty Faculty of Medicine Website