Loma Linda, California, USA

989,170 ft² | 91,900 m² | 320 Beds


The Campus Transformation Project at Loma Linda University Medical Center (LLUMC), scheduled for completion in 2021, will see the construction of a new 989,170 ft² state-of-the-art replacement Hospital, including two new patient bed towers; a nine-story patient tower for the Children’s Hospital; and a sixteen-story patient tower for the Adult Hospital.

In preparation for the asset procurement process for the new facility, HCR provided a complete room-by-room Inventory Analysis for both the existing Children’s and Adult Hospitals to record all existing assets and their condition and location. This information allowed LLUMC to perform a Gap Analysis to determine the assets to be re-used and the new assets to be purchased to outfit the new facility.

In total, approximately 25,000 items were inventoried over a 2-week period in late 2019.